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Keeping your kids safe during the Christmas season

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Economics 101 says that there will always be a spike in crime when the demand for things is greater than the supply, and given the state of the economy we need to brace ourselves for lots of desperate crimes.

To help you get through the Christmas season safe and secure we’ve compiled a list of things you can do to keep your loved ones safe.


Your children feed off your drama so chose your words wisely. We all complain about crime and we are all angry by the upsurge in random unsolved murders and missing people. Don’t ruin the season for your children. Allow them to have their childhood. Putting measures in place need not raise any alarms.


Ballet is cute and all, but it won’t help your princess turn into a warrior if the need arises. Consider a martial arts class. The family need not compete in the national championships, but a one off self-defense class will teach you crucial tips like how to turn your body into a weapon, which body parts are most vulnerable and how to prevent your body from going into shock if attacked, so that you can stay focused and take action.


I know those heels are cute and I know you’re dying to let your kids dawn all the jewelry they received last year Christmas, but if you’re taking public transport or going to parang in a public gathering then dress to kick some butt. Long hair can be just as cute pinned up, because leaving it out allows attackers to grab it and confine you easily. Attackers are lazy, they look for easy targets so be sure your attire and your attitude scream “ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.”


I am all for social media, but posting every move on IG in real time may not be the smartest move while in a public space. If you’re being monitored it helps those targeting you know where and when and if you’re a random victim, posting using your phone means your head’s down in your phone and not paying attention to your surroundings.


Traditionally, name tags were offered as a suggestion for keeping your children safe in the event of being lost. If your child is too young to remember the details then tag it on the inside. Strangers can use their name tags to call out to them and pretend they are friends of the family. This may be a good time to practice memorising your telephone number, your family code word and your family emergency procedures. If this all sounds like Greek to you then you’re way behind, so get cracking.


Over 60% of harm comes to children at the hands of their own parent. Less than 20% of children harmed are at the hands of strangers. This season give your children the best gift you can, learn how to keep them safe FROM YOU. Implement safe home rules for times when stress levels are high and emotions run tall. Even the most perfect parent can benefit from a parenting course, find one, do it and be sure you’re not learning on the fly. Remember, as a parent our mistakes become their memories. In the age of information we can no longer say “There’s no book on parenting.”

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