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Marsha Riley is a coach, author, and a passionate parenting advocate, who still manages to home-school her 6-year-old daughter as a single mom.  


She has endured many challenges along her path to success and having experienced first-hand the positive impact of mentorship during her own journey, Marsha became dedicated to passing on the blessing.  


Stories of successful local men and women played a crucial role in Marsha’s growth and development, leading her to often say, “If they can do it, I can do it too.”  This feeling inspired the title of her first publication “If I Can, You Can Too!” – A visually appealing book that tells children the true stories of some of our local heroes: stories of perseverance, hard work and eventual success.  


Marsha has always been determined to earn an income around her daughter’s needs and as such she has literally made parenting her business.  Her initial venture merged her love for children with her sporting background.  She is the head coach and owner of The Just Be Active Academy – a sports club aimed at helping children experience various sports without the expense of joining several disciplines and a place where children who are not athletically inclined can still learn the basics while having fun.


A firm believer in the power of parenting, Marsha has also developed an interactive workshop aimed at helping parents identify and harness their children’s natural strengths and passions and she has recently launched CARE Parenting; a television show aimed at helping parents like herself whose quest is to constantly improve their parenting skills.


Currently, Marsha is working on launching CARE The Magazine and building Piece of Me – an initiative geared towards mentoring children and continuing her volunteer work.


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